Time for some Truett updates because I know I will forget all this if I don't write it down somewhere. He is now 20.5 months....going on 6. He just LOVES hanging out with the "big kids" on the block. (You know, the 1st and 2nd graders ;)
- Current Book(s): Word Book & Night Night Prayer
- Current Playlist: "Wheels on the Bus" (motions included), and "If You're Happy and You Know It" (motions also included)
- Current Color: He says blue a lot, but is getting good at repeating other colors.
- Current Drink: He doesn't really care what it is - water, milk, juice
- Current Food: Mash-Ups squeezable fruit (we *might* be coming to the end of an era here but not sure), GoGurts (a new addition to his food rotation), applesauce, pretzel sticks, watermelon, shredded cheese, sweet potato fries...and let's not forget ranch dressing, BBQ sauce, and ketchup
- Current Favorite Show: Not a TV watcher, although he does know who Elmo is...but not like he'll sit still to watch him
- Current Wishlist: A mini 4 wheeler that's safe for his size (the neighbor kids have this and he loves it!), toddler table and chairs (for Mr. Independent), paint he can use in the house (he loves to paint but this is a very messy outdoor activity!)
- Current Needs: Needs his weekly doses of his grandma's who he absolutely adores. Also needs his Momo who he asks about every morning, and of course his mommy for cuddle time and daddy for silly tricks
- Current Triumphs: Kicking like a fish in the tub and the pool and blowing bubbles! Something I have waited to see all summer long. Also, major language explosion. Talking in 2-4 word sentences sometimes and understanding so much. "Mommy and daddy, bye-bye?" (when he wants us all to go somewhere) "Momo night-night?" (when he wants Momo to come in his room when I put him down for bed ) "Daddy ho?" (when Mocha barks in the evening Truett assumes daddy is home and starts asking for him)...and there's a lot more. He will pick up toys that someone has given him and he remembers and associates it with that person...and he is repeating everything...yikes....
- Current Bane(s) of my Existence: Being outside. Must.be.outside!
- Current Celebrity Crush: He'll have to get back on this one
- Current Indulgence: M&Ms as a very special treat
- Current #1 Blessing: Being a future big brother!
- Current Outfit: Today he is wearing khaki shorts and a t-shirt that says "I get my handsome from my dad"
- Current Excitement: Animals, puppies, bugs, balls, and cars
- Current Mood: A sweetheart, silly, goofy, curious toddler...who is getting very good at asserting when something is "MIIIINE!"
- Current Link: http://store.ecomom.com/Healthy-Food-for-Children-s/298.htm Where mommy can by the Ah-mees he loves so much.
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