
How do you like my art skillz?

This is what I sent Ted the day I got the positive pregnancy test for baby number #2. We are very excited to add to our little family! So far I am 11 weeks along. I'm feeling tired all.the.time. It's tough with a little toddler b/c that means no nap time for mommy! Oh what a luxury that was in my pregnancy with Tru. Oh well, that's ok, it just means I'm down for bed by 7:30 pm every day. I haven't even been able to workout...I literally have zero energy to wake up in the early mornings (which is my workout time). I'm trying to be zen about it and remember I didn't run during Truett's first tri and then I successfully ran up until his labor day, starting around week 12 or 14.

I've had 2 ultrasounds so far and the little bean is just perfect. I saw it last week and it was starting to take the baby shape. Here we go again... :)


Tru's Newest Cousin!

Uncle K-Deaux and Aunt Mandy had their sweet baby girl yesterday. Dylan Brooke Borel, 4 lbs 11 ounces & 18 inches long. Isn't she adorable? And teeeeny! We can't wait to hold her. Yesterday the new mommy and daddy were doing fabulous so we hope the rest of their stay in the hospital goes well. Little Dylan was carted off to the NICU because of her size but she is going to be just fine.

So, of course that makes me take a trip down memory lane. Here is our sweet tiny baby boy at 5 lbs 9 ounces. Do you think they look related? It's Tru's first "Borel" cousin and now this makes a total of 5 cousins. We think he's a lucky little guy to have so many in his life! Don't you just love his pea pod outfit? Hahaha...I think it was the only preemie outfit we had at the time!



I'm 28 years old today and all I want to do is hang out with these guys:

Oh, and I'd also like some Cheesecake Factory, please.


Dr. Truett Riley

Meet our boy - Dr. Truett Riley, M.D.

Not too long ago I switched pediatricians. I was sick of the long wait and then seeing the doctor for only 5 minutes and always leaving with more questions than answers. We liked the actual doctor but everything else....notsomuch. Anyway, we are now at a new private practice instead of a large group practice and love it. Since about 9 months old Truett has had a fear of the dr. She would walk in the room and he'd freak. Even simple things like a heartbeat check would have him in antics. I dreaded the doctors!

So, at the first visit with our new doctor she saw him freak out while the nurse weighed him and measured him. She was so sweet - when she recognized this she did not try any "doctor" things with Truett. Instead, she talked with him and I and let him feel comfortable instead of rushing in and getting to business. She also had a very special gift for him - his very own doctor kit. She said she usually saves this for the older toddlers but seeing as T was already acting like one, why not? She encouraged us to play doctor with him at home. So, we've been doing just that, daily.

Dr.Truett is very good at taking heartbeats and checking ears (2 of the things he despised most). You ask him to "be Doctor Truett" and he runs off to his kit, stethescope around neck and ready to listen to your chest. We even bring a few of the tools to doctor's visits and he gets to do his thing while she does hers. This toy has made all the difference. Dr. visits are no longer terrifying, in fact they are FUN! Yes, my son no longer freaks or cries, instead he gets to participate. I really adore his new docotr. She is so wonderful and knew just how to help us help him feel at ease. And who knows...we may have an aspiring dr. in the house now. :P



Last night Ted and I had a good laugh. You know how some toddlers become attached to their favorite stuffed animal or a blanket? Not ours. Truett is attached to his set of keys! A few weeks ago we took him to Home Depot and created his own set of special "real" keys. There is one that looks like a car key (since he always wants ours), there's one with UT, one with a skull (Ted picked both of those out), and then one with a little button you push that lights up. Theses are all strung together with a neon green soft spiral ring. Truett ADORES these keys. They are the first thing he wants in the morning and he must always have them when we're going bye-bye.

Last night was hilarious. As we were coming home from our long day of Easter fun Truett was holding his keys in the car. When we got home I took him upstairs, said a prayer, and went to lay him down for bed when I noticed he was still clutching his beloved keys. He would NOT let me take those puppies out of his hand! I finally caved and let him fall asleep with the keys, and then later had to sneak in and remove them. I didn't want him poking himself in the middle of the night. What can I say? The boy loves his keys.

Easter #2

Truett had a wonderful second Easter. If I can remember, I will dig up his first Easter pics and compare them to this year. Last year he wasn't even 5 months old yet and this year he was running, walking and talking all over the place. By talking I of course mean babbling in his own language. ;) He played and played over at his MawMaw and PopPops house with Aunt Mandy, Uncle Kdeaux, BB, and Pappy. He also has about 4 or 5 Easter baskets, LOL, and then Grandma told me she brought him some more Easter goodies this morning.

True also had an Easter egg hunt at Miss Kari's house on Friday. He loved opening the eggs and going straight for the candy or raisins inside. We attempted a second Easter egg hunt yesterday but since he was by himself he didn't really gather eggs, he was too busy shoveling dirt in his mouth and doing other boyish things. Ted took a ton of cute pics, I hope he gets those to me soon so I can post them. Happy Easter!