
2 days early, A Birthday Poem

So, Little Man turns ONE on Wednesday. I'm going to write him a poem every year...here's his first one....

Happy Birthday, Baby Boy

Truett, I can't believe the day is here,
It's your first birthday, you're already one year!
I'll never forget your first moment in life,
Wanting to protect you forever from strife.
You came so quick on twelve twenty-three,
At 5 pounds 9 ounces you were tiny as can be.
Your daddy was there snapping away,
Grinning ear-to-ear on your birth day.
You came out crying sounding like a cat,
Football in the background, I can't forget that.
The first night home I didn't sleep a wink,
Just stared at your face and started to think.
So many hopes, dreams and wishes for our little guy,
No matter what you do we're always by your side.

I can't believe it's been 365 days,
Your dad and I have changed in so any ways.
Our hearts are now full and as big as they can be,
Because with Truett in tow there's so much to see.
You are walking, you're talking, you're hugging and kissing,
Before you came around all this we were missing.
The way you wave "nigh-nigh", the way you crinkle your nose,
The way you laugh so loud, and bite at our toes.
Your little baby voice saying mama, dada, "dah" and bye,
These are the memories that will one day make me cry.
Each moment is going so slow but so fast,
Enough just to savor but then it's into the past.

I can't believe the little person that you are,
You love figuring things out and pushing your car.
Your Red Rider wagon is one of your faves,
You also love reading books unwinding from your days.
You have a little playhouse, some Laugh N Learn toys,
You're in to all things typical of pure American boys.
Things like remotes, tools, and wires galore,
You also really love your daddy's key board.
You're an active little man, cruising and crawling,
If I tell you no-no sometimes you end up bawling.
You're so smart pointing out your mama's nose,
And turning things on/off, open and close.
You love learning, exploring and figuring things out,
You love Momo so much; she makes you squeal and shout.
Let’s not forget your funny baby babbling talk,
And is there anything cuter than watching you walk?

I can't believe how much you can eat,
Such a tiny little person hobbling on two feet.
You love most fruits like kiwi, banana, and berries (blue),
Some other faves include cheese, toast, and dry cereal, too.
You'll eat avocado, chicken, peaches, puffs and peas,
You'll even say "dank ooo" now we're working on please.
There are so many highlights from your very first year,
I wish I could bottle it up and write it all here.
From sitting up, rolling, and playing in your jumper,
Peek-a-boo with curtains and picking out the crib bumper.
Your first ear infection and croup at 6 months of age,
And you also chewed your crib rail in a teething rage.
The first nine months you had reflux to boot,
Although none of this stopped you from being so cute.

Our sweet baby Truett, I can't believe it's here,
Onward and upward bring on another year!
I'm already so proud to call you my son,
And I know your life journey has only begun.
Forever and always I'll be by your side,
A mommy's love stays with you in low and high tide.
My wish for you is to be healthy, happy, secure and strong,
And you'll always have mom and dad to help you along.
We just want you to know, our Little Man True,
That mom and dad will always love you!


Birthday Pictures

Smiling ear-to-ear in my new house. Cool shot, dad!

Making funny faces at the talking horse.

Oh, what's this?


Tearing open presents. I look like such a big boy!

My invitation and birthday cake picture.

My cool, "1" shirt and my new play house!
We had Truett's first birthday party on 12/13. We had a great showing of lots of family and friends - thanks to you all for making the day SO special for Truett! His "big" gift (little does he know mommy bough it used ;) was a new Little Tikes playhouse that he and his friends absolutely loved!


Let it Snow!

There's baby burrito on the front lawn.

Pushing his wagon in the snow. Who woulda thought??

Eating a cracker.

We came inside to grab a quick snack.

Yummm...and COLD! Tasting the snow.

Yay mom, I like it now!

Mommy! :( His first reaction, lol. As you can see from above, he did warm up to it.

I am way more excited than he is...

We had the strangest weather on Friday....down here in Mo City, TX we had over 2 inches of snow. I really thought Truett would be closer to his teens before experiencing snow in Texas. He probably won't believe me in a few years, but I have the pictures to prove it. As you can tell he started out unsure of the snow (love that pouty face), ended up tasting the white, fluffy (errr...slushy stuff), and then ended up having a fun time pushing his wagon through the snow.

I just realized I haven't updated in a while. Time is whizzing by. Truett is taking steps (all on his own), here and there and running all over with his push wagon. He's a brave little guy and can stand on his own like a champ. His latest word is "nigh, nigh" -- he sort of uses it in the same way you'd use hi, bye, or good night. He says "nigh, nigh" when he's going down for a nap, going to bed for the night, or when he's simply telling you bye or hi.

Oh, He went and saw Santa yesterday...LOL...that was hilarious! No tears, but he was certainly on the verge. Luckily, mama was right there beside Santa (he was sitting on the guy's lap, at least)! I even have the tree up this year and so far so good....it really is just like being a kid all over again when you have a little one during the holidays.

The big first birthday party is coming up this weekend. Hard to believe our baby is going to be a toddler. Updates to follow.