
7 months

Baby Boy is 7 months old today!

Here is our little family on Ted's 30th Birthday:


A day in the life... (via pictures)

Playing tug-o-war with Mocha.

Baby's first game of pool.


The scrunchy face

You lookin' at me?

I got this...

Could you ever say no to this face?

Laughing at mommy trying to take a picture of the 2 of us...

Tired after a full day of fun!


6.5 Months

Sitting up, stealing the remote, laughing out loud at Mocha, loving blocks, cars, army crawling, moving in circles, jumping, swimming, --- pretty much a big ball of sunshine!
(sorry about the quality of this photo - it's from my phone)


Mocha is still alive and doing well. Still spoiled as always.

I'm busy here, mom.

Truett LOVED his first swing experience (back in early June).

Visiting mama's office back in June.

Kisses make me happy!

"Watch out little fella!"

Love seeing this face in the morning.

What a difference a month makes! These pictures were taken a month ago, and little man has changed SO much (again) already. I'll have to get those recent pics up loaded soon.

Sleeping Like a Baby....the CIO way

So, it's been 2 weeks to the day when we (OK, I), decided we were going to try CIO aka cry it out for night time sleeping. Truett was by no means a terrible sleeper. It was just hit or miss. One night he'd sleep all the way through, another he'd wake once or twice, whatever, ya know? He'd always fall right back to sleep so it wasn't *that* bad. After going to his 6 month ped appt I talked with his doctor about this. She said he was big enough, strong enough, well enough (he was getting over a double ear infection and croup), to try CIO. I know there are a lot of different methods to CIO....but we were doing the bandaid version - just ripping it right off and not going in, letting him "figure it out."

So, I prepare myself and Ted that we should see improvement within 3-4 nights. If not we agree to abandon this sleep training method.

Night 1: 2:30am T wakes...he stirs, coos, moves around....then starts to cry. Wah!!!! Heartbreaking. I turned down the sound on the video monitor and just watched him (so I knew he was OK) <-----speaking of video monitor --- get one! Love that thing.

Finally, 1.5 hours, later he has put himself to bed.

Night 2: Success!, same as night 3, and 4.....

Every night thereafter has been successful (no crying, STTN, etc) EXCEPT for 2 random nights. One was about a week ago and I let him CIO for almost a full hour before I gave in and fed him. And then another week later (as in, last night), I let him CIO for 1/2 hour before caving and feeding him again. Must be like a weekly growth spurt? I don't know.

Anyways, the point of my post was I did what I thought I would never do, what I thought I could get away without doing, what I thought I didn't have the guts or heart to stick to....but you know what? It worked (as long as those random 2 nights were just random indeed), and Truett is as happy and healthy as can be. In fact, since this sleep training incident he has set himself on a lovely little schedule with predictable, solid nap times, feedings, etc.

So, if you are on the fence I just wanted to share our CIO experience. I know they vary from baby to baby.