

Weekend Recap

The Crew: Me & True, Ted, Caitlin, Alexa, Mike & Aidan, Kelly & Morgan

What a weekend! Luckily we were able to enjoy some Clancy family time before Truett and Aidan had to both go to the Urgent Care doctor - turns out one had an ear infection and the other had strep throat. Before all this though, the Clancy kids all got together with our little tots and had some fun. Here are a few highlights from our zoo trip.

Check out the guns on this guy...and see my forehead scab? Poor buddy fell on the concrete last week.

All the cousins: Truett, Morgan, Alexa, Caitlin, Aidan

True, Morgan, Alexa

Ted and me in the petting zoo. Mike snapping pics of Ted snapping pics....dorks.

Mommy and her little man

Truett LOVED having some bigger kids to play with and to follow around. His sweet girly cousins loved hanging out with him and his little stud cousin, Aidan, enjoyed playing cars and throwing footballs with T. So cute seeing them all play together! We hope they come visit again soon.



We have a fearless little boy on our hands.

I took Tru to the pool on Sunday at our neighborhood YMCA to see how he would like the water this year. He LOVED it. He was thrilled to be in the pool. Splashing his face, attempting to kick. He was even intentionally dunking his face in the water. I had to call it quits though when he was trying to set himself free in the 4feet deep water. Really, this little man thinks he can do it all! I called the Y yesterday to set up some private lessons. I'm not sure how you can teach a 15 month old to swim, but at the very least maybe we can work on floating, holding on to things and kicking, etc. I hope he is good for the instructor when we start! I did go to Target yesterday and bought him one of those full suit life jacket things that they make for young toddlers. We'll probably take him again this weekend and see how he does with that. It might give him more freedom.

We also had Mandy's baby shower this weekend. It was so beautiful! I think Miss Dylan's closet is overflowing from all the clothes she got. Truett was pretty well behaved. He hung out for about half the time, and then the other half he wanted to play cars and run around outside playing with the fountain.

Unfortunately, we have not taken any good pictures lately. T doesn't sit still for long so it's not easy. I did have my camera around for some of his funny moments from the past week or so...

My big bruise... (This is a not-so-funny moment)

My hideout in the backyard...Mocha's doghouse.

Climbing my chair in the kitchen.

Truett got out and looked who hopped in...

One last thing. Tantrums. Hoooo Boy, those are not fun. :P If anyone is reading this, how do you deal with yours? So far, from what I can tell trying to calm down Truett does nothing but cause him to get even more mad (like hugging or holding him). What I've been doing is removing him from the location if it's dangerous (on the cement, near sharp furniture, etc) and then I just have to let him deal with it. I tell him I'm sorry he's mad but mommy loves him and has to keep him safe (his tantrums are usually sparked when he wants to do something dangerous and I tell him no or move him). Anyway, so far they have lasted very long but they're not pretty! Last night it all started b/c he wanted to open and close the back gate...you know, where rusted screws and nuts and bolts stick out, along with splinters, etc. I did let him try it a few times, but then we went inside and had bathtime. Afterwards he ran to the back door and told me "out"....that's when it began...


Blah Blah Blah

I saw that music video this morning while I was working out and I now I have the song "BLAH, BLAH, BLAH" stuck in my head. If you don't know what I am talking about just google it. I cannot get it out!!!

We have been busy, as usual. So busy, in fact, that I cannot even remember what we've been doing. Truett has been cracking us up, also as usual. The other night he took his picture of his BB and grandma off the fridge and put on a show for us. He kissed their picture about 5 times and then was so overcome with love/happiness he pretty much lost his breathe and did this adorbale "bow" and laugh...really, where is the camera when you need it? Speaking of cameras, I have been awful about snapping pictures. It's too hard to carry around this awesome object with neat buttons and clicky sounds and little tiny lights...that is pretty much crack for curious toddlers :)

Instead of my own pics, I will leave you with these adorable pictures taken from Cheryl, one of our playgroup mommy's. We celebrated Brooks' first brithday yesterday!

Truett getting down with the kiddie laptop.

Tru and me with Keri and her little guy, Reese

We were missing a few of the munchkins in this picture.


Family Fun

We had a nice little family packed weekend. Saturday morning I had the Rodeo 10K and my boys came out to support. I ended up running an official time of 46:36 (7:29/pace). Considering I have not been trianing and my weekly mileage has been at an all time low, I was pleased. After the 10K the 3 of us stayed downtown to enjoy the parade. This is our second annual parade together as a family of 3. Personally, I am hoping we can make this a tradition. It's just so typical Texas, why not? Ha ha.

We them went out to lunch and got home just as Tru was nodding off for his nap. He took a nap while Ted and I got ready for the Rodeo carnival. We met up with more family (BB and Pappy) at the carnival and Truett loved it. Unfortunately the kiddie part of the carnival was not operating (which means we''ll have to go back ;), but he still had a good time. I won him his first super cheesey carnival prize (a stuffed dog). Ted got his first and last fried Snickers (bleh! DO not try, people!)He also took some great pictures so as soon I can grab them off his camera I'll upload.

We also went church for the third weekend in a row. For an energetic 14 month toddler Truett is doing great in the service. I think we finally found a place we'll probably enjoy as a family for years to come. Many thanks to our "new" friends Nichole, Pat, and their adorbale boy G for introducing us to the place.