

STTN = Sleeping Through the Night

So, Saturday night Truett gave me the best Mother's Day gift...he STTN, truly! He slept from about 7pm - 6:30am. 11.5 glorious hours! He then did the same thing on Sunday night and Monday night (plus or minus an hour on the bedtime and wakuptime...he is an early bird and actually prefers to be asleep by like 6:30pm...). Last night he only woke once to eat. So, I am thinking this weekend might have been a break though!!! Is it possible he is learning to STTN on his own? I certainly hope so. He has always been a decent sleeper to begin with, so I was hoping and praying he could figure it out on his own. My prayers have been answered and hopefully this is a trend that continues. It makes me nervous he woke up last night, but I have to hand it to him - he woke after an 8 hour stretch (which many consider STTN anyways), plus he missed a feeding yesterday so he was most likley making up for it. Hopefully he goes back to STTN for us, and in the meantime I can handle a random wake up every once in a while. I am the type that really needs a good 7 hours to feel fully refreshed, so when he sleeps this long it still gives me time to workout, clean, cook, etc...and then makes all the T time that much better b/c I am not busy trying to fit in other stuff as well. Our baby is growin' up!

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