I need to do some kiddo updates for record keeping :)
She is nine months old now (9 and a half now)! Such a busy girl...
-crawling on all fours
- pulling up
-talking: "ma-ma", "ba-ba", "da-da", and "bye-bye"
-waves bye-bye
-gives high fives
-kisses (open mouth style)
-pushes herself into a sitting position
-loves to hold your hands and walk everywhere...she just leads the way and she is FAST. once she gets her balance and can stand on her own we are in trouble.
-loves to eat real food. she will pretty much eat anything you give her. Her absolute favorite food is watermelon! Some other favorites are shredded chicken, egg yolks, blueberries, and graham crackers. she refuses any baby food now...which actually makes it easy to take her palces and eat b/c she is up for trying anything.
-loves her big brother still. She just lights up and gets so excited when he is around and plays/talks with her. Also loves to grab her daddy's face (and baby faces), and loves her mama.
-when she gets tired now she gets cuddly and just melts her body onto yours and lays her little head against you...it is the sweetest thing EVER.
-still napping twice a day, around 9 am and 1 pm. goes to bed right about 6:30-7pm and sleep until morning. Usually I will give her a quick early morning feed and she will sleep for another hour.
-she loves her little dolls and stuffies
-loves to chase Mocha now that she is mobile
-has her 2 bottom teeth and her 2 top ones are coming in
At her 9 month appointment (9.5 months actually ;) she was 19 lbs 5 ounces and I think she was 26.5 inches long (I cannot remember, need to check my stats card). She is just wonderful and healthy. Such a little love...seriously pinching myself for having her in our family.
- POOTY TRAINED!!! I hesitate to even say "potty trained" it was more like "potty ready" - he was ready for it and so no training invovled. One morning I told him he was a big boy now, no more diapers, and underwear it was....we have not looked back! He goes standing up or sitting down, and he can get on and off by himself. SO proud of my boy! I was dreading this, truly, but he has done awesome. We did have some poop issues (he just wouldn't go, period), but that also seems to be resolved, thank you Buzz Lightyear. ;)
-Loves to jam out on his guitar still and makes the most hilarious serious rocker faces. Last night he told me he was a rock star. HA HA.
-Loves his tricycle. He will ride that thing all over the house, which is nice since it has been too hot to take it outdoors lately. Seriously, the kid LOVES his bike and so do we - he is very much self entertained with this.
-Loves to "essersize" with mommy and run, get chased, tackled, water guns, swords, very much all boy...
-He is getting into his t-ball and soccer or jsut full on running, lol
-Loves this game called "Tozzle" on the Ipad which is a puzzle game for toddlers.
-Still loves going places and exploring new things
-Talky talky talk! The boys says everything now...even the peditrician commented at Mila's 9 month appointment (he wanted to go to the doctor, lol), that he is a great talker, especially for a boy, whatever that means. She also said he was very bright, again, whatever that means...but it's always nice to hear something like that about your kid. I feel weird even typing it, but there it is. :P
-He is VERY much into imaginary play - and we even have visitors - his favorite characters... mostly it's Calliou, but Mickey and others will also come over. Daily. It is pretty funny and a tiny bit spooky, ah, toddlers.
-He loves the Arthur books, Curious George books, Chicka-Chicka Boom Boom, Cat in the Hat...the list goes on
-He likes to "make pictures" for people
-He likes to work with daddy in his studdy (he's actually in a huge daddy phase right now, so cute)
-he's about 29 pounds (I'm guessing) and a hair over 36 inches (maybe 36.5 or 37?) (I know this because you have to be 36 inches to ride the go-karts at Gatti Town and he was!) Barely, but he was. Woohoo!
Some of his funny sayings:
"I dinin't do anyting"
"Mommy, you hold my hand?" (while sitting on the pot)
"Daddy come and see it? Daddy!!! Come 'ere!!!" (sitting on the pot)
"No, dat's my booty. You have your own. You have a bigger one. I have lille one." (pinching his booty and talking about butts)
"No, I not a baby, Mee-ah a baby! Her wear diapers. She ikes me, too." (talking about his sister)
"Dear God, dank you for Bella, Ms. Kari, Mommy, Daddy, TruTru, Mee-ah..." (how all of his prayers ALWAYS start out, lol)
"I got go werk now. I going. Bye mom! Bye dad! Oh. I got go Mcnonald's first. Ummm....fench fies, chocate milk, and pancakes please. Thank you." (imaginary play dialouge with himself"
"Mommy, I scared." (I ask him why) "Calliou screamed at me. He hit me. He need to go time out."
...back to add photos and add more as it comes to mind.