Wow, here is my last month of pregnancy!! In some ways I feel like I've been pregnant for a long time, but in other ways it has absolutely FLOWN by this time. I had a horrible kidney infection about 2 weeks ago, but ever since then everything had been progressing along just fine. In fact, the constant backache I had for MONTHS seems to be gone. I'm not even having the excrutiating pelvic pain I had with Truett at this stage. I wonder if it's because she is higher, or if it's because my bones and ligaments have already been stretched once before so it's not as noticeable this time? Who knows. Either we just wait as she plumps up. Aat my last OB appt my doctor, once again, made the comment that I would not go to 40 weeks. He told me the same thing with Truett and he was right, I delivered him at 36.5 weeks. I have NO idea if he's going to be right about this and I don't want to get my hopes I am telling myself one more month still.
The other night Ted got a taste of Miss Baby B's tap dancing (B as in Borel...she is still nameless!). She is quite the mover and shaker! I still have no idea how Truett is going to react. We talk about his "baby sister" - which he can say - and how he is going to be the best big brother, etc....but I think until she is here he won't really get it. He is such a little love to Mocha I hope he's the same way with the baby.
Speaking of True, he is getting so grown up to us these days. He is fascinated with daddy fixing things - "Daddy feex it!" and lately he is fascinated with Mocha's pooping, lol, and goes outside to squat like the dog, too. He also enjoys helping daddy pooper scoop the backyard with his shovel. Maybe this can be his second chore (his first is/was feeding Mocha, but we're not very consistent with it yet). He is still sleeping in his crib and he is quite content in there with his jungle of animals so until he shows signs of wanting to get out we are keeping it that way. I just love that little man more than any words could describe. He has just started repeating "I love you" and it sounds something like "wuv you'd"...melts me in a puddle everytime.
I know, how wonderful of me to take a picture in public is the only time I even think about belly shots though, ha! And it might be my last belly shot, too....considering I only take them once every few weeks...